Greetings and Salutations unto all that visit this page. You have come upon the journal of one Lady Cecily Windham, Hairdresser to the Baroness of Stonemarche, Ambassador of Stonemarche to Bergental, and citizen of the Kingdom of the East.
All formalities aside, this is my blog. For 2017 and going forward, I want to have a focal point to post my findings of all things related to researching historical hairstyles, and many people have suggested that I start here, by creating a blog.
I will be making several posts today but before I do, I wanted to thank a couple of people for kicking me into gear to get started on this project.
Lady Elvira Violante Ballesteros - Her excitement for finding cookery that is historically accurate is infectious and I am so happy for her that she is now apprenticed to Maestra Imigla Venture. She makes research fun and exciting for me.
Qan Erdene Qadajin - His friendship and diligence in research is astounding. As often as I have told him that he needs to teach a class on Mongol culture and clothing, he has told me to post my findings. I look forward to seeing what he does in the future.
Lady Fortune St. Keyne - One of the heads of our household (House Strangewayes) and a trend setter. She is famed for her garb and skills and has taught me a lot about using my skills in service to others.
Baroness Nicolette Bonhomme - I spent several deep moments with this lovely Baroness over the course of the year, and I hope to do more. She and her former apprentice (who just got her laurel at Birka) were not part of my circle as far as crafting or research went, but they took some time to talk to me about it. I will speak more on this in a later post.
My Lord Fearghas McGregoire - He has constantly supported me, and listened patiently as I tried to word my excitement over different findings. He has also helped me think of new ways to convey different ideas, so that I can teach my methods of hair stylings to a variety of people.
There are many more people to thank of course, and I will likely be able to do so in later posts.
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